The property has gas, electricity, water, and mains drainage connections. There is a small WC/ Washroom in the property. Lighting is mainly by hi-intensity down lighters,
Energy Performance Certificate
Available on request.
The property is assessed as a warehouse and the premises to a rateable value of £23,500 effective 1st April.
The property is available under the terms of a new lease for a period to be agreed and at an initial rent of £65,000/annum.
Well located detached, single story storage / warehouse building.
14,171 sq. ft. (1,316 sq. m)
- Just off Broughton Road, close to Frederick Road and Broad Street
- Approx. 2 miles to Manchester city centre and Cheetham Hill wholesale district
- Good clear open plan floorspace
- Off street loading capabilities
- Scarce letting opportunity in the area
The property is located at the head of Cheltenham Street at the terminus with Broughton Road in a predominantly industrial and commercial locality.
Positioned on the north- west fringes of Manchester city centre the property is very well placed to serve local business with much needed local storage accommodation close to their operations, Manchester city centre and the regional road network, with the main Broad Street being very close by
The area is a well-established industrial and commercial one and at the current time going through a bit of a Renaissance given an increasing number of commercial uses moving into the area and ongoing developments close by of both residential and industrial/commercial uses.
The property is a 1960s/1970s built detached single storey warehouse facility previously in use as tv studios. The main construction is of steel portal frame with brick elevations, a concrete floor, and a pitched and lined roof.
The unit is arranged in three interconnected warehouse bays, with the first right hand side unit accessed via a dedicated loading bay leading off Cheltenham Street through a small private loading yard.
For marketing purposes this has been termed Bay 1, with the middle-termed Bay 2 and the left-hand element Bay 3. Bays 1 and 2 afford an eaves height of approx. 11 feet with Bay 3 being approx. 14 feet.
Whilst the property to all intents and purpose is open plan in nature there is a small office area currently used as storage accommodation.
Access is afforded at the property’s front elevation directly into Bay 1 through an aluminium roller shutter door (15ft 8ins wide by 12ft 10ins high) which comes from the off-street loading bay. An inspection of the property is thoroughly recommended.
Floor Size
The property in total extends to a gross internal floor area as follows:
Loading Bay | 826 sq. ft (77 sq. m) |
Loading Bay Office | 394 sq. ft (36 sq. m) |
Bay 1 | 3,999 sq. ft (372 sq. m) |
Bay 2 | 4,964 sq. ft (461 sq. m) |
Bay 3 | 3,988 sq. ft (370 sq. m) |
Total | 14,171 sq. ft (1316 sq. m) |
By prior appointment with the Sole Agents Mark Warburton Properties LLP M: 07769 970244